
Gilbert uninsured and underinsured car insurance coverage is important.

February 2nd, 2016
For twenty-seven years I have practiced personal injury law, much of that having to do with automobile accidents. I am always amazed by how poorly my clients protect themselves. And this is not just my clients of limited means. I have represented…

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How Much Mesa Insurance Should I Carry?

January 7th, 2016
As a Mesa personal injury attorney here in the East Valley of Maricopa County, Arizona, I am continually amazed at how little insurance my clients carry to protect themselves from injuries caused by automobile and motorcycle accidents. Whenever…

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Mesa Negligence: Duty, Breach, Causation, Damage

Most people of my Mesa automobile accident clients believe that just because they were injured, by something or someone, they should be compensated. This is just not true. In order for the defendant to be liable to injured party, there must be a…

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What is personal injury?

Personal injury lawyers in Mesa, or auto accident lawyers, such as myself, are often asked what is a personal injury? Does it have to be broken bones or something that shows up on an X-ray? The answer is no. A personal injury is any injury to one…

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November 3rd, 2014
It’s been lonely here the past couple of weeks with Dan being far and away in China where he was invited to lecture Chinese College and Law School Students on the American Criminal Justice System.  We are mighty glad to have him back, but it sure…

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road debris hazards

August 27th, 2014
Most of us have seen or have been impacted by road debris while driving on Arizona Roadways. Roughly 25,000 people Nationwide are involved in Road Debris Accidents, and 90 lose their life due to these accidents (According to AAA). These…

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whiplash disc herniation effects

Most Arizona Personal Injury Lawyers do not have the necessary medical education to definitively conclude whether whiplash in fact causes disc herniation. Furthermore, there is a split in professional opinion on the issue. However, it is clear that…

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August 10th, 2014
Unlike many law firms, our main focus is to provide you with the peace of mind. Knowledge of the law is only part of the whole picture. Your comfort with our representation is absolutely necessary to complete the picture. For us, it is not just…

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