When Do You Use a Process Server during Personal Injury Cases?

When Do You Use a Process Server during Personal Injury Cases?

A process server makes sure that parties in a legal case get requisite legal documents. That might be divorce papers to the spouse who didn’t do the filing, child custody claims to the non-custodial parent, or notice of a lawsuit against a business. In an ideal world, you wouldn’t need a Gilbert process server. People would readily identify themselves, accept the paperwork, and let the legal process move right along. But we don’t live in an ideal world, and many people try to avoid being served legal paperwork as a way to stall the process and avoid consequences they don’t want to face.


When dealing with personal injury cases, it is even more important that you work with an AZ process serving company. Here are a few instances of when it is especially important:

Auto Accidents

car accident in azPeople have been known to do all kinds of things to avoid legal repercussions after an accident. Some people don’t even stick around after one happens. They just hit the gas and keep on driving down the road. Others will lie about the circumstances of the accident to avoid fault, such as saying they were traveling the speed limit when they weren’t or pretending that they weren’t texting while they were driving.

You can be sure people will do everything they can to avoid the service of process if they think that a lawsuit might also be attached to that accident. Most people are just worried about having their insurance premiums go up. Threaten them with thousands of dollars in liability? They are sure to duck and hide. A Tempe process server will make sure these people are found and served as needed.

Bar Fight

bar fight in tempe azA bar fight, or any kind of assault really, can bring with it a lot of legal consequences. Even if the person managed to avoid criminal charges, they can still be sued for damages. If you are looking for someone who has already talked to the police and dealt with the criminal charges (or the decision to forego them), that person probably knows that a civil suit is a possibility and is going to try to avoid being served. If you are looking for someone who hasn’t talked to the police, they are even more likely to be gun-shy, not knowing what to expect in terms of fallout.

A process serving company in Mesa, AZ can find the person involved in the fight, as well as any witnesses who may be hesitant to testify for fear of retribution. A professional also has the means of protection, which is necessary in cases involving violence since the people being served might become aggressive.

Dog Bite

dog bite what to doSomeone whose dog has bit another person is going to be on the defensive. They may feel that accepting legal paperwork related to the bite would be an admission of responsible and make them automatically liable. A Chandler process server knows a few tricks that can help them find these people and get them to admit to their identity so that they can be served notice.

Trips and Falls

trip and fallAgain, you’re looking at people who want to avoid being found. If the accident happened on their personal property, it might be a little harder for them to “hide.” However, they might get very good at never being “home.” You could knock until your hand fell off and mysteriously never find someone to answer the door.

A process serving company will investigate all avenues for finding the person, including their place of business, the homes of family and friends, things they do for fun, and so on. The process server will determine the times that the person is most likely to be at these places to make the match quickly.

Other Services

process serving company near meA Gilbert process serving company does more for a law office than make sure that legal documents get put into the right hands. These companies provide many other services that can relieve some of a law firm’s burden. Some services include filing court documents, performing document research, making copies, coordinating depositions, retrieving documents, and more.

Think of a process serving company as another tool in your arsenal. Law firms can use a process server to get better results faster and to make their case work more efficient. Plaintiffs can use a Mesa process server to expedite their case and ensure that proper legal procedures are performed.

ASAP Serve, LLC is a top-rated process serving company in Arizona. Not only do we provide reliable service of process, but we also provide many of the other services mentioned above, including document retrieval and research. Contact us today at 480-821-1552 if you need a trustworthy process server who gets results.

Guest Blog Published By – ASAP Serve, LLC

1837 S Mesa Dr C102
Mesa, AZ 85210
Office: 480-821-1552

2820 S Alma School Rd, #18
Chandler, AZ 85286
Office: 480-351-1743

14245 S 48th St #148
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Office: 480-845-0728

2509 N Campbell Ave #236
Tucson, AZ 85719
Office: (520) 488-4929


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