Road Debris and Hazards

Road Debris and Hazards

Most of us have seen or have been impacted by road debris while driving on Arizona Roadways. Roughly 25,000 people Nationwide are involved in Road Debris Accidents, and 90 lose their life due to these accidents (According to AAA).
road debris hazards
These typically involve: 1) A collision with a large object. 2) Swerving out of a lane to avoid an object and causing a collision. 3) Distracted drivers making sudden movements and losing control of their vehicle. According to Arizona Law, drivers have an obligation to prevent Arizona Road Debris Accidents. Arizona Revised Statute, §28-1098 states: A. A person shall not drive or move a vehicle on a highway unless the vehicle is constructed or loaded in a manner to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping from the vehicle. B. A person shall not operate a vehicle on a highway with a load unless the load and any covering on the load are securely fastened in a manner to prevent the covering or load from becoming loose, detached or in any manners a hazard to other users of the highway.

Often, when a driver loses a piece from their vehicle, it is hazardous to stop, pull over, and pick the debris up. A victim of an Arizona Road Debris Accident must identify the vehicle the object came from, which is extremely difficult. If unsuccessful in identifying the source, the injured party may submit a claim to their own Uninsured Motorist Coverage.

If you have been involved in an Arizona Road Debris Accident, call an Experienced Mesa Personal Injury Lawyer to assess your case, and determine if a potential claim would be possible. Significant research needs to be conducted to properly analyze your case. Our Experienced Arizona Road Debris Lawyers offer free consultations, and do not charge a fee unless we settle your claim.
Daniel Marco, Your Mesa Personal Injury Lawyer!Written By:

Daniel Marco – Marco Injury Law

1166 E Warner Rd #101
Gilbert, AZ 85296

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